Bulk Campaign

In this article, you will learn how to send efficient bulk SMS and Viber campaigns on Apifon's platform.

What is a Bulk SMS/Viber?

Bulk SMS/Viber is the act of sending SMS/Viber campaigns to a large group of subscribers at once.  

  • The Bulk SMS/Viber Campaign feature is available for both free and paid accounts.
  • Bulk campaigns are excluded from billing suspension

Why is the bulk SMS/Viber Campaign feature important for your business?

  • It enables your business to simultaneously reach a large number of recipients, streamlining the communication process. This is beneficial for businesses or individuals aiming to broadcast important messages, promotions, or announcements at sporadic intervals.
  • Unlike traditional list management systems, bulk campaign feature simplifies the process by eliminating the need for you to maintain lists. You can upload subscriber lists in Excel format for each campaign thereby reducing costs.

Create a bulk campaign

Navigate to the Campaigns > Messaging tab, and follow the steps below:
  1. Choose the desired campaign type (SMS/Viber).
  2. Type the campaign name.
  3. Click Create.

  4. Design your campaign. To start designing, on the campaign's wizard step 1 enable the Upload list toggle.

    Upload list toogle
  5. Upload your list in Excel format and click Next
    The imported Excel file will not be saved as a list in mookee.

    Quick upload
  6. Click Import to complete the import process. When the import process is completed the entire list of your subscribers will be selected. 
  7. Create your message, enable SMS failover if you're sending a Viber campaign, and then schedule your campaign. Use the content builder without including tags for personalized landing pages.
  8. Review and confirm the campaign details (it is recommended to test the message in your device).

  9. Send your campaign!

Notification for a time-consuming list upload process: 

MicrosoftTeams-image (20)

If you leave the page while uploading a list that takes a long time, upon returning to the campaign, the UI will display a loading screen with the label Importing. The same message will continue to appear, letting you know that the upload is experiencing delays and encouraging you to revisit later to track the progress.


Available features - Bulk campaign:

  • Schedule
  • Failover
  • Test message
  • Reschedule Campaign
  • Archive Campaign
  • Overview and Tracking
  • Campaign Reports

Unavailable Features - Bulk Campaign:

  • Anti-Spam
  • Duplicate Campaigns
  • Export functionality
  • Data Storage
    No information is stored for bulk campaigns except for deliverability and pricing.


Now you know how to send a bulk campaign on the Apifon platform.  🚀

Thank you for reading!