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  2. Account & Billing

How to delete an account

In this article you will learn how to delete an account on the Apifon platform.

To delete your account on the Apifon platform follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Account name > Account Overview.
  2. Click on the Account Settings > Account Details tab.

    account overview, account setting

  3. Choose the Delete Account option.

  4. Upon clicking the button, a modal will appear, informing you of the exact deletion date and detailing the changes that will occur.
    • If you still want to delete your account, click on the Delete account button.
    • If you change your mind, click on the I changed my mind button.

    delete account

The Delete account action is permanent and cannot be undone.

  • The option is available to all plans.
  • The button is enabled only for the Account Owner. Other roles in your account will see the button, but it will be disabled.
  • If an account deletion is already scheduled, the button will be disabled.


Now you know how to delete your account on the Apifon platform.

Thank you for reading!