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  2. Reports & Analytics

SMS Tracking

In this article, we will guide you through how to track your SMS messages in Apifon platform.

Task Roadmap

To begin, from the dashboard menu go to “Reports” then choose the submenu “SMS tracking”.

Here you can find SMS messages you have sent in the past and quickly check information like:

    • Unique message ID
    • Sender ID
    • Destination number
    • Date sent
    • Network
    • Current status of the message

You can select how many rows you would like to appear per page or you can choose which columns to include or exclude in the results.

The status of a message may be Refused, Undelivered, Delivered, Pending and Uncategorized.

A. Search and Block

In order to search a specific field of the message, follow these steps:

    1. Click “Search” from the SMS tracking menu.
    2. You can search a SMS message by:
      • its Sender, Message, Request or Campaign ID
      • its Status or Network

To track a SMS, follow these steps:

      1. Select a message from the results. Here you can see the SMS overview and a few technical details about it.
      2. You can directly block a subscriber from the list and prevent from future sending.

B. Export Subscribers

To export the SMS Tracking results, follow these steps:

    1. Click “Export” from the list menu.
    2. Type a name for the exported file.
    3. Select the number of rows that you want to export.
    4. Select the format of the exported file (.xlsx, .csv).
    5. Click “Export”.

Note: You will receive a notification e-mail when your file is ready.

You can read more about Export SMS Tracking here.

Now you know how to track an SMS message. 

Thank you for reading!