Archive/Permanent Delete

In this article, we will guide you through how to archive or permanently delete subscribers in the Apifon platform. Archived and Permanent Deleted subscribers do not receive messages from your campaigns.

Task Roadmap

To begin, from the Dashboard menu select «Subscribers»->«Lists» and then choose the list in which you wish to archive or permanently delete the subscribers.

  1. Archive
    The archive option is a reversible action. User can restore their archived subscribers if they change their minds in the future.

    Subscribers can get archived in two ways: 
      1. Users can either select the subscriber from the list and then from the Subscribers menu, they select "Actions: Archive".
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      2. Or user selects the subscriber from the list and then chooses "Delete". At this point, a notification appears and the user has the option to select "Archive".



      • If you wish to have access to the archived subscribers, you choose from the filter, on the right side of the subscriber's grid, the segment "Archived", which is created automatically in your list.


      • You always have the option to restore the archived subscribers back in your list, by selecting them and then choosing from the subscriber's menu "Unarchive".
          • unarchive-1-en-mp4
      • In addition, you can select each subscribe individually and then choose from the right tab "Unarchive".


      • In this way, subscribers will be imported back into your list and they will receive messages from you.

      2.  Permanent Delete
      Permanent delete is an irreversible action.

      Subscribers can get archived in two ways:

          1. To permanently delete a subscriber, you select them, and then from the tab on the right side, you choose "Delete". At this point, a notification appears and you can select "Permanent Delete".
          1. By choosing "Permanent Delete", a notification appears and you have to type the word DELETE in order to proceed.



        • In case you proceed with the import of permanently deleted subscribers in your list, the below notification will appear, in order to confirm the import:


        • When you permanently delete a subscriber you have the option to import them in your list by manual add through "Add" on the Subscribers menu or by "Sign Up Form".

          Now you know how to archive or permanently delete subscribers from your lists.

          Thank you for your reading!