Use Viber Deep Links

In this article, you will learn how to use Deep Links in your Viber message on the Apifon platform.

Viber Deep Links allows you to perform actions inside the Viber application and make your Viber messages more interactive.

When a subscriber clicks on a Deep Link in a Viber message, instead of being redirected to a new page, an action will be performed within the Viber app. 

  • You can add a Deep Link to your Viber Quick MessageCampaign or Template.
  • You can either insert the Deep Link in the button URL field or the text area

The available Viber deep links are the following:

  1. Click to Call
  2. Open Chat
  3. Public Account
  4. QR Scanner 
  5. Chatbot Conversation
  6. Chatbot Info Screen
  7. Custom Chatbot Context

Click to Call

Deep Link: viber://keypad?number=<number>

Action: Redirects to the Viber keypad filled with your number. 

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace <number> with the digits of your phone number. Remember to add the country code (e.g. 30) and erase the <> symbols.  

Open Chat

Deep Link: viber://chat?service=<serviceid>

Action: Redirects to the chat window of your 2way Sender ID.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace the <serviceid> with the service ID  of your 2way Sender ID.  Remember to  erase the <> symbols.  

You can use this feature only with a 2way Viber Sender ID. 

QR Scanner

Deep Link: viber://more/qr

Action: Redirects to a QR scanner inside the Viber application.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and leave it unchanged

Chatbot Conversation

Deep Link: viber://pa?chatURI=<URI>

Action: Redirects to a conversation with the bot and triggers a conversation-started event.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace <URI> with your Chatbot URI.
Remember to erase the <> symbols.  

You can use this feature only if you have a Chatbot.

Chatbot Info Screen

Deep Link: viber://pa/info?uri=<URI>

Action: Redirects to the info screen of the bot.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace <URI> with your Chatbot URI.
Remember to erase the <> symbols.  

This Deep Link is supported on Android and iOS, but not on Desktop.

Custom Chatbot Context

Deep Link: viber://pa?chatURI=<URI>&context=<YourContext>

Action: Redirects to a chatbot conversation with custom context for every subscriber. 


  1. Type the Deep Link, and replace the word <URI> with  your Chatbot URI.
    Remember to erase the <> symbols.  
  2. Delete the phrase <YourContext>.
  3. Select a subscriber field to replace the above phrase. 


Now you know how to use Deep Links in your Viber message on the Apifon platform. 🚀
Thank you for reading!