Use Viber Deep Links

In this article, you will learn how to use Deep Links in your Viber message on the Apifon platform.

Viber Deep Link are a feature that allows you to perform actions inside the Viber application and make your Viber messages more interactive.

When a subscriber clicks on a Deep Link in a Viber message, instead of being redirected to a new page, an action will be performed within the Viber app. 

  • You can add a Deep Link to your Viber Quick MessageCampaign or Template.
  • You can either insert the Deep Link in the button URL field or the text area

The available Viber deep links are the following:

  1. Click to Call
  2. Open Chat
  3. Public Account
  4. QR Scanner 
  5. Chatbot Conversation
  6. Chatbot Info Screen
  7. Custom Chatbot Context

Click to Call

Deep Link: viber://keypad?number=<number>

Action: Redirects to the Viber keypad filled with your number. 

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace <number> with the digits of your phone number. Remember to add the country code (e.g. 30) and erase the <> symbols.  

Open Chat

Deep Link: viber://chat?service=<serviceid>

Action: Redirects to the chat window of your 2way Sender ID.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace the <serviceid> with the service ID  of your 2way Sender ID.  Remember to  erase the <> symbols.  

You can use this feature only with a 2way Viber Sender ID. 

QR Scanner

Deep Link: viber://more/qr

Action: Redirects to a QR scanner inside the Viber application.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and leave it unchanged

Chatbot Conversation

Deep Link: viber://pa?chatURI=<URI>

Action: Redirects to a conversation with the bot and triggers a conversation-started event.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace <URI> with your Chatbot URI.
Remember to erase the <> symbols.  

You can use this feature only if you have a Chatbot.

Chatbot Info Screen

Deep Link: viber://pa/info?uri=<URI>

Action: Redirects to the info screen of the bot.

Steps: Type the Deep Link, and replace <URI> with your Chatbot URI.
Remember to erase the <> symbols.  

This Deep Link is supported on Android and iOS, but not on Desktop.

Custom Chatbot Context

Deep Link: viber://pa?chatURI=<URI>&context=<YourContext>

Action: Redirects to a chatbot conversation with custom context for every subscriber. 


  1. Type the Deep Link, and replace the word <URI> with  your Chatbot URI.
    Remember to erase the <> symbols.  
  2. Delete the phrase <YourContext>.
  3. Select a subscriber field to replace the above phrase. 


Now you know how to use Deep Links in your Viber message on the Apifon platform. 🚀
Thank you for reading!